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The Life of Rustin Baldwin

In memory of Rustin Baldwin, his family and friends have developed the Rustin Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund for high school seniors. Rustin’s free spirit approach on life, willingness to help others, humbleness in his love for Rodeo and FFA were recognizable in all aspects of his life and resulted in an unforgettable and life-long impact on the people around him that loved him most. Anyone that knew Rustin, was taken by his mischievous smirk and was drawn to his contagious personality and sense of humor. Faith, family and friends were the key attributes in Rustin’s life.
Rustin's approach on life mirrored his approach in all competition which led to success at a very early age in the rodeo arena as well as multiple FFA and horse judging competitions. Rustin's accomplishments include:
- 3x National Jr. High School Rodeo Qualifier
- 2x Jr. World Qualifier
- 2x Jr. American Qualifier
- 2x Texas State High School Qualifier
- 2021 Jr. NFR Qualifier
- 2020 Jr. World Reserve Champion Heeler
- 2x State Qualifier Sr. Ag Skill Demonstration
- 2x State Qualifier Horse Judging
- 2018 State 6th Place Greenhand Skills Demonstration
- 2021 Lonestar FFA Degree Recipient
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